Family Reunions 2014
Thompson reunion 2014 up Provo Canyon
Not quite sure what Alyssa is doing in the dirt
Cousins!! Hiking at Cascade Springs
Reece reunion
Scott and Matt (the boys dunked the canoe about 10 seconds in--Scott handled it really well, for him. He doesn't like getting wet unexpectedly)
We actually rowed that thing down the river while we sang "Row row row your boat," of course.
This was one of the beautiful views on the river. Cotton everywhere like snow.
Sweeney 2014. They had a cotton candy and snow cone machine to celebrate 75 years. My kids couldn't get over the fact that it was free.
Egg toss. Lyssa didn't get an egg on the head this year. Scott did pretty well at horseshoes, but Nick and his partner won.
Looks like so much fun! It makes me sad I missed it....:(
Love it, thank you for the update.
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