Today is Scott's birthday. He is 33. Strange. I remember my parents being this age and they were old but now it seems so young. We went to St. George for the weekend where he broke in (from a long winter of disuse) his golf clubs. We had a good time, although it wasn't quite the sunshine-soaking-up trip I was hoping it would be. It was kind of cold. So nice to have a day to ourselves. We talked the whole drive down without any interruptions. I love this man. In April we will have been together for 16 years. I don't know what life is like without him.
The kids get bigger every day. Amber lost both of her bottom teeth within a week. She keeps telling me how hard it is to eat now. She was also in the science fair last week and won a trophy (thanks to Grandma). Alivia is pretty much done potty training. She rarely has accidents anymore. So nice! And a small fortune saved in diapers. Christian continus to be addicted to all things electronic. Alyssa and I joined a mother-daughter book club at the library and went last week for the first time. It was a lot of fun. We read a book on Helen Keller. She was a fascinating woman. I just thought her life kind of ended after she learned how to sign in her hand, but she lived until she was 88 and accomplished some amazing things! A local man brought some of her letters and books she had written in (can you believe she could write?) and we got to hold them. It was neat. Alyssa also made me a cookie and a birdfeeder. I love that she loves to read. Soran started crawling last week and is all over! She has already learned how to get up the stairs. She is still the happiest baby on earth. She is constantly smiling.
My nephew Matt turned 8 a couple weeks ago and had a huge birthday party at a bounce place. The kids had a blast running around and jumping on everything. It's a good thing they don't weight much, though. I think the slides were half duct tape.
I continue to be amazed at how good I feel. We have been so blessed. I feel grateful to be able to take care of my kids and am grateful for every day that I am able to get up and have energy and go. My mom and I have been going running at 6 a.m. (who knew that time existed?) and I am slowly getting better. I am so out of shape!
So that's us in a page. Life is good. Hope it is so for all of you.
1 comment:
Glad you're feeling better! Thank goodness for modern medicine, right? We tried calling Scott on his birthday--hope you guys got the message. Sounds like life has been busy for you!
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