Well, our photo card broke (Scott said there were teeth marks on it and it was bent, but he thinks everything in our house that gets broken is due to this), anyway, I won't have any pictures for a few days. But I wanted to post that I'm pregnant. Along with the rest of our ward here. I am almost 10 weeks along and due in April.
Christian started soccer and he actually scored a goal on Saturday. It was very exciting. He still has a lot to learn, but he's doing well. Alyssa goes to a basketball clinic and she does about the same as she did in soccer--stands a couple feet away from the ball and bounces. But she loves it! And Amber loves her dance class! She keeps showing me her swan bow. I will include pics next week.
Scott had a day of golf in Phoenix last week and decided that was the last time they'd spend a full day outside in Phoenix while it's still summer. I think next time they'll head north. But it sounds like they had a good time.
I have not been feeling all that great so I'm just trying to keep my head above water. I have always had easy pregnancies, so I guess it's only fair it catches up with me sometime, but I can't wait for it all to be over--already!
Anywho, hope you are all doing well. Until later!
Hey! Congratulations! LMK when you need that half-pint of Ben & Jerry's. I'll be at your door.
As soon as I saw "surprise" I knew :). Congrats my friend! I hope you start feeling better! If not, Zofram saved my life this time!
Congratulations!!! I hope that you get feeling better soon. When you call Kerrianne for that Ben and Jerry's tell her I need some too! JK
Congrats Sara!! I'm really excited for you!
Congratulations!--this is so exciting! I want to see a picture of you sporting a baby bump when you're camera's up and working again. Sorry you're not feeling well--maybe try grapefruit!
Holy cow!! Congrats!!! So many babies in our ward!! I just LOVE it! What things do you crave...I'll stock up!
Sounds like things are busy around the Thompson household! Sorry to hear you're sick--as if you don't have enough to worry about with all your other responsibilities. I've been meaning to let you know about Schnepf farms. I will send you an e-mail soon I promise!
Congrats Again Sara!!! I'm sorry you are having such a rough time this time though!...it really does make it hard! Amongst all the other things and people you have to take care of!
Love you!! I'll call you soon~
You've been tagged! Check out my blog for what you're supposed to do!
Number 5 on the way! Matt and I will never catch up now! ha ha. Seriously, that is so cool, congratulations. Now that I have my husband actually home for awhile, I am hoping number 4 will come along sometime soon. will keep you posted!
love ya,
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